Quincy Family Orthodontics provides Interceptive Orthodontics in Quincy, Massachusetts. To learn more, call 617-982-2501 or contact us today to schedule an appointment.
What Is Interceptive/ Phase One Orthodontics?
Interceptive orthodontics refers to early orthodontic treatment that begins when a child still has most of their primary (baby) teeth, usually between the ages of 6 and 9. Not every child will need interceptive orthodontics, but for some children, it can be extremely beneficial to their growth and development.
Children should have an orthodontic evaluation by the age of 6. During this evaluation, the current position of the teeth and the shape of the jaw are examined to determine if any treatment is necessary. If there are any concerns, early treatment may be applied that can guide the growth of the jaw and the position of the permanent teeth as they come in to make future treatment (Phase 2) easier or less extensive.
Benefits of Interceptive Orthodontics
Interceptive orthodontics offers many benefits for children:
Procedures Offered
We provide the following interceptive orthodontic treatments:
- Upper Jaw Expansion. Oral appliances can be used to expand the upper jaw to make more room for crowded teeth.
- Dental Expansion. If the upper and lower jaws are of normal size, but the unerupted permanent teeth show a lot of crowding, sometimes moving the teeth outward (dental expansion) is necessary.
- Space Maintenance. A space maintainer may be used to hold the space open after the loss of a primary tooth so that the permanent tooth has enough room to come in properly.
- Habit Appliances. Habit appliances are used to stop thumb-sucking or tongue-thrusting habits.
- Extraction of Primary Teeth. In some cases, primary teeth need to be extracted to allow permanent teeth to come in.
Why Choose Quincy Family Orthodontics?
We offer interceptive orthodontics to improve the dental health and overall wellness of children. Too often, we don’t see patients until they are teenagers or even adults, and by that time, the situation is often more severe and less correctable without a more invasive surgical option. We prefer to be proactive, providing treatment for children as soon as it is beneficial so that they can have a higher quality of life from a young age. Yearly monitoring appointments beginning at age 6 allow us to begin orthodontic treatment at the right time, so that is the most beneficial for children.
Frequently Asked Questions About Interceptive Orthodontics
Contact Us
Call 617-982-2501 or contact us today to schedule an appointment.